Miniseries | Episode 13: The Outside and the Inside and the Secret of Fear of the Secret

Berlin Alexanderplatz

Book adaptation/Drama, Germany 1980

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Franz tells Eva that Mieze has left him. Eva reassures him, though she is a bit concerned herself. A robbery pulled off by Pums’s gang goes wrong and Meck burns himself with a welding torch. Franz takes Meck to his apartment to bandage his wound. Meck tells Franz that Reinhold is a bad guy, but Franz claims he has a good heart. Meck takes the police out into the woods and helps them find Mieze’s strangled body, telling them he helped to bury her. Eva brings Franz a newspaper that relates Mieze’s murder. Franz lapses into demented laughter, claiming he is pleased that at least Mieze did not leave him as he had thought.
59 min
FSK 12
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Alfred Döblin (Novel)


Peer Raben


Günter Lamprecht (Franz Biberkopf)

Franz Buchrieser (Gottfried Meck)

Brigitte Mira (Mrs. Bast)

Ivan Desny (Pums)

Volker Spengler (Bruno)

Günther Kaufmann (Theo)

Claus Holm (Landlord)

Hans-Michael Rehberg (Kommissar)

Roger Fritz (Herbert)

Hanna Schygulla (Eva)

Barbara Sukowa (Mieze)

Barbara Valentin (Ida)

Original title:

Berlin Alexanderplatz

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

Audio language:
