12 Days

Society/Everyday life, France 2017

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Dive into the gripping reality of French psychiatric court hearings with 12 Days, a groundbreaking documentary by the iconic director and photographer, Raymon Depardon. In this compelling film, the countdown begins as psychiatric patients navigate the intricacies of the legal system within a tight twelve-day window following compulsory admission. With a staggering 90,000 people embroiled in this process every year, the stakes are undeniably high. Experience cinematic history as Depardon becomes the first filmmaker granted unprecedented access to these confidential procedures. Set against the backdrop of a clinic in Lyon, 12 Days meticulously documents ten poignant cases, capturing the raw essence of each moment with sensitivity and truthfulness. The camera serves as a silent observer, skillfully unraveling the complexities faced by both patients and the authoritative figures shaping their destinies. This documentary transcends the ordinary, offering an enlightening and objective perspective that invites viewers to connect with the human stories beneath the surface of mental illness. Through moments of rare clarity, 12 Days exposes the profound pain often concealed from the public eye. Raymon Depardon's signature observational style takes center stage, reaffirming his status as a masterful storyteller and a compassionate humanist in the world of documentary cinema. 12 Days isn't just a film; it's a thought-provoking exploration of the human condition that lingers in your mind long after the credits roll.
87 min
Starting at 0
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Original title:

12 jours

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16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 0

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