Galapagos - Zwischen Himmel und Hölle

Nature/Environment, Germany 2018

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Galapagos is a small archipelago in the middle of the Pacific. The volcanic origin, the predominantly sparse vegetation and the extreme climatic conditions for the tropics make survival on these islands a challenge. Despite all the circumstances, many of the most unusual animals on earth can be found here. The Englishman Charles Darwin observed them and was able to develop his theory of evolution as a result. Today we know why there are so many strange animals on the Galapagos. Most of them are "shipwrecked" and were brought there by storms or strong ocean currents. For example, the Humboldt Current from Antarctica brought penguins to the Galapagos. Over the millennia, their physique has changed so that they could survive on the islands. Part two of the two-part documentary about the Galapagos Islands.
44 min
Starting at 0
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Thomas Behrend


Oliver Heuss

Original title:

Galapagos - Zwischen Himmel und Hölle

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16:9 HD, Color

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Starting at 0

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