Galapagos - Im Bann der Meeresströmungen

Environment/Nature, Germany 2017

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In the middle of the Pacific lies a group of volcanic islands: The Galapagos Archipelago. The islands are considered an ark of evolution. Nowhere else is there such a strange conglomeration of animals. Diving lizards, giant tortoises with snake necks and albatrosses that are otherwise more familiar from the Antarctic. The secret of this biodiversity lies hidden in the ocean. Two powerful ocean currents have a firm grip on the Galapagos Islands: the ice-cold Humboldt Current from the Antarctic and the tropical warm Panama Current. These powerful currents alternate every six months, turning life in the Galapagos upside down. The volcanic origin, the predominantly sparse vegetation and the extreme climatic conditions for the tropics make survival on these islands a challenge. Despite all the circumstances, many of the most unusual animals on earth can be found here. It was through their observation that the Englishman Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution. Part one of the two-part documentary about the Galapagos Islands.
44 min
Starting at 0
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Thomas Behrend


Oliver Heuss

Original title:

Galapagos - Im Bann der Meeresströmungen

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16:9 HD, Color

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Starting at 0

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